spark.sql.AnalysisException: Correlated column is not allowed in predicate

SPARK-35080 introduces a check for correlated subqueries with aggregates which may have previously return incorect results. Instead, starting in Spark 2.4.8, these queries will raise an org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException exception.

One of the examples of this (from the JIRA) is:

create or replace view t1(c) as values ('a'), ('b');
create or replace view t2(c) as values ('ab'), ('abc'), ('bc');

select c, (select count(*) from t2 where t1.c = substring(t2.c, 1, 1)) from t1;

Instead you should do an explicit join and then perform your aggregation:

create or replace view t1(c) as values ('a'), ('b');
create or replace view t2(c) as values ('ab'), ('abc'), ('bc');

create or replace view t3 as select t1.c from t2 INNER JOIN t1 ON t1.c = substring(t2.c, 1, 1);

select c, count(*) from t3 group by c;


create or replace view t1(a, b) as values (0, 6), (1, 5), (2, 4), (3, 3);
create or replace view t2(c) as values (6);

select c, (select count(*) from t1 where a + b = c) from t2;

Can be rewritten as:

create or replace view t1(a, b) as values (0, 6), (1, 5), (2, 4), (3, 3);
create or replace view t2(c) as values (6);

create or replace view t3 as select t2.c from t2 INNER JOIN t1 ON t2.c = t1.a + t1.b;

select c, count(*) from t3 group by c;

Likewise in Scala and Python use an explicit .join and then perform your aggregation on the joined result. Now Spark can compute correct results thus avoiding the exception.

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